American Internet Tech donates to American Cancer Society (January 2019)
Happy New Year 2019!
The beginning of a new year is also a time for resolutions and reflections; a time to pen down dreams and desires, to think afresh and ring in change for the better.
The New Year is a natural time to try for a new start and do things better. Some of the most common – to lose weight, exercise more, and quit smoking – are healthy habits that can help us lower our cancer risk and benefit us for the rest of our life.
More than 40% of American adults make New Year’s resolutions, and almost half of them keep their resolutions for at least 6 months. Some tips and tools for making those resolutions and sticking to them are exercise, eat better, quit smoking.
Quitting smoking is the most important action you can take to reduce your cancer risk. Half of all smokers who keep smoking will end up eventually dying from a smoking-related illness. Additional important ways to lower your risk include getting to and maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, and eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The evidence for this is strong: Each year, more than 589,000 Americans die of cancer; about one-third of these deaths are linked to poor diet, physical inactivity, and carrying too much weight.
American Internet Tech wishes everybody a Happy and Healthy New Year. We will continue to contribute with our donations to the American Cancer Society and hope that this will be the year that cancer will finally be defeated!