American Internet Tech donates to American Cancer Society (March 2020)

American Internet Tech donates to American Cancer Society (March 2020)

National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, held in March each year, offers healthcare providers who care for patients with diseases of the colon and rectum a valuable opportunity to educate their community about these diseases and promote awareness of the importance of colorectal cancer screening, prevention, and treatment. These efforts may also provide a window into the profession and encourage others to consider careers in the field of colon and rectal surgery.

No one looks forward to a bowel prep that goes with some colorectal cancer screening tests. But colorectal cancer screening – testing to look for cancer before symptoms start – can help save lives. Screening can find colorectal cancer early when it’s small and might be easier to treat. There are several different screening options available. No matter which one you choose, the important thing is to be tested.

Regular screening is one of the most powerful ways to prevent colorectal cancer. If polyps are found during colorectal cancer testing, they can usually be removed before they have the chance to turn into cancer. Testing can also result in finding cancer early, when it’s smaller and might be easier to treat.
If you’re 45 or older, talk to your doctor about which screening test is right for you, and talk to your insurance company about coverage. It’s important to get tested as often as recommended. No matter what your age, talk to your doctor about your family medical history. People at higher risk for colorectal cancer because of family history or certain health conditions might need to start screening earlier than age 45.

American Cancer Society is always there to support all the people that are worried about getting cancer, have just been diagnosed, are going through cancer treatment, or are trying to stay well after treatment and American Internet Tech will continue to support their cause by making another monthly donation.