American Internet Tech donates to American Cancer Society (March 2019)

American Internet Tech donates to American Cancer Society (March 2019)

March is Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month. There are over one hundred thousand Americans living with multiple myeloma and an estimated twenty thousand new cases will be diagnosed this year. Though it is the second most common blood cancer, second to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, it is still quite rare. As a result, many doctors and few patients are aware of the disease, which often leads to delayed diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms include bone pain, fatigue and anemia, which can all be attributed to many other maladies. Oftentimes, myeloma is discovered when the patient has suffered other complications that include kidney failure and heart problems, making treatment more difficult. As a result, one in five patients die within 60 days of diagnosis and another 40 percent die within five years. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential in beating those statistics. While Myeloma is not curable, thanks to the advancements of medications and treatment options, patients are living longer lives than ever.

March 19th is the Annual Night of Hope, in Miami Dade College Kendall Campus. It is a dinner to celebrate cancer survivors, honor loved ones lost to cancer, support current cancer patients and caregivers, and raise funds for the critical mission of the American Cancer Society.

The Relay For Life movement is American Cancer Society’s signature fundraiser dedicated to helping communities attack cancer. A series of Relay For Life events start on March 29th. Although every Relay For Life event is different, they do have a few things in common. They all begin with the “Opening Ceremony” by honoring everyone who's been affected by cancer and everyone who has contributed to the success of this year's Relay season. Next is the “Survivor/Caregiver Walk”, where they honor their strength and courage with every step they take. It doesn't matter if you were diagnosed 10 days ago or 10 years ago, you can walk while everyone gathers together to cheer you on. The “Luminaria Ceremony” is when they represent everyone touched by cancer with a Luminaria. Each light represents a life—a life taken by cancer, a survivor of cancer, or a support for a person still fighting the disease. It's a powerful demonstration that gives people the opportunity to grieve but also offers comfort and hope. Finally the “Closing Ceremony” which is the time to commit to take action and help lead the fight for a world free from cancer. It's a time to celebrate what has been accomplished and a time to unify for the work that needs to be done moving forward.

American Internet Tech supports the American Cancer Society once again with a monthly donation because when we rally together in the fight against cancer, we can accomplish anything.